Much love to Aline Smithson and Daniel George of Lenscratch for their ongoing support of and feature article about “Where the Heart Is: Portraits from American Trailer and Mobile Home Parks”.
The interview and photos encapsulate this passion project that I’ve been immersed in since 2017, focused on this vulnerable and stigmatized affordable housing form and the countless residents and advocates I’ve met and befriended along the way.
I am honored that Typology Grid Texas #01, 2017 was selected for an honorable mention in Texas Photography Society’s 2024 Competition FotoTexas III: People, Places & Culture. Thank you to juror E. Dan Klepper.
FotoTexas III seeks work produced in Texas that celebrates the rich history and current culture of the state that TPS proudly calls home—showcasing its people, icons, small towns, city life, varied landscapes, natural resources, and more.
More information and online gallery availabe on their website!
I am thrilled that Down the Street - California #09, 2017 has been selected as a part of the group show Mapping Perspectives, a juried exhibition to be held in conjunction with Foto Fest Houston, curated by CPAC's Executive Director & Curator, Samantha Johnston.
The opening night of the exhibition will be March 9th at Silverstreet Studios.
Honored to have the image Typology Grid - California #01, 2018 selected as a finalist by an international panel of jurors and will be exhibited in this year’s Head on Photo Fest at Bondi Beach in Southwest Australia. The exhibition will open November 10th, 2023 and run through December 3rd, 2023.
I am excited to say that six pieces from “Where the Heart Is” have been selected for Interline, Lifeline, Redlines: Social Markers of Race, Class & Economics. This exhibition looks to capture the present through a wider lens, to explore and question what you see in your community, what you see in neighboring communities? As we discuss infrastructure on a national level, what landmarks, signposts or stores do you use to evaluate need, health, or affluence of a community?
This exhibition will be open from October 19th - November 10th, 2023, with an opening reception on October 19th from 5-8pm at the Rhode Island Center for Photographic Arts.
Very excited to have the piece In Between - New Jersey #02, 2017, selected by juror Brian Piper, in this year’s Atlanta Photography Group’s Exhibition at the Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport. The exhibition opens September 28th, 2023 and runs through January 17th, 2024.
Honored to have the image Detail - New York #05 selected by juror Frances Jakubek to be in this year’s The Magic Silver Show: The Elena Diane Curris Juried Photography Exhibition. The Magic Silver Show began in the mid 1970’s as a juried exhibition designed to encourage, foster understanding, and reward those involved in photographic media. The exhibition will be on view from September 7th - October 17th, 2023, with a special Juror Talk and Reception on September 13th at 5 pm. The exhibition is at The Clara M. Eagle Gallery, Murray State University in Murray, Kentucky.
I am excited to have been selected as a 2023 Critical Mass Finalist through Photolucida - allowing my work to be viewed by 150+ international jurors.
Thank you to all the judges as well, including Sarah Leen, Elizabeth Avedon and others.
Much appreciation to juror Karen Haas, the Lane Curator of Photographs at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, for selecting Down the Street - California #09, 2017 for exhibition in Filter Photo’s Context 2023, their ninth annual survey exhibition of contemporary photography. The opening reception will be at FilterSpace on March 10, 2023 from 6-9pm CT.
Three pieces from “Where the Heart Is” will be available for viewing and purchase at the LA Art Show, considered the most comprehensive international contemporary art show in America. They will also be available for purchase on the Artsy page for the LA Art Show by booth holder.
Kathleen Tunnell Handel will be available by appointment at the Los Angeles Center of Photography’s Booth #1308 during the show, and at the opening night premier benefit party on Wednesday February 15th, 2023 from 6-10pm.
12 pieces from “Where the Heart Is” were selected as part of the Violated Metropolis exhibition that opened concurrently with PhotoNOLA 2022 at Arabi Visual Arts.
“Where the Heart Is: Portraits from Vernacular American Trailer and Mobile Home Parks” was presented at a solo show at the Griffin Museum of Photography’s Main Gallery from October 26 - December 5, 2021 with the reception held on Nov. 7th from 4-6pm.
Appreciative of juror Kris Graves choosing Down the Street - California #02, 2018 for the SohoPhotoGallery 2020 National Competition Winners Exhibition currently online with Spring 2021 in-gallery exhibition dates March 26 - April 18, 2021.
“Typology Grid - New Jersey #04, 2017” chosen by juror Bill Wright for inclusion as one of the 50 works in the TPS Members’ exhibition. Limited edition archival print is framed at 17” x 48”. Closing artist reception and juror talk on November 12, 2020
“Down the Street - California #01, 2018” selected by Midwest Center for Photography’s Founder and Director Linda Robinson for “Suburban Architecture - International Exhibition”. Many thanks to Linda!
Absence - California #02, 2018 has been selected by Crista Dix, Associate Director of the Griffin Museum, for the SE Center for Photography’s “Light” Exhibition. The exhibition is online as of June 22nd while the exhibition will be available for viewing in the gallery from August 7 - 31, 2020.
Typology Portrait - Texas #01, 2017 has been selected for the online exhibition of the Griffin Museum of Photography’s 26th Annual Members’ Exhibition. Many thanks to juror Alexa Dilworth of the Center for Documentary Studies (CDS) at Duke University and Paula Tognarelli, Executive Director pf the Griffin.
Invited to share Typology Grid - Maine #02, 2018 and Entryway - Maine #01, 2018 in the online exhibition “Where We Live” to support the important work of the Workforce Housing Coalition of the Greater Seacoast by Director Sarah Wrightsman.
Thankful for the continued support of juror Brian Piper, the New Orleans Museum (NOMA) of Art’s Andrew W. Mellon Fund Curator in choosing The Edge - California #01, 2017 for the New Orleans Photo Alliance exhibition “On the Line”. Online opening June 30, 2020 with fall gallery dates to be announced.
Greatly appreciate the Honorable Mention awarded by Gallery Directors and jurors Amanda Smith and Kevin Tully for Typology Grid – California #01, 2018, exhibited at their ASmith Gallery’s ‘domicile’ exhibition. Gallery exhibition and virtual opening on June 27th.
Recorded conversation with Brian Piper, the New Orleans Museum of Art (NOMA) Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Assistant Curator in conversation with Kathleen Tunnell Handel about the images, ideas, and process behind “Where the Heart Is”. Posted to NOMA’s YouTube channel.
Many thanks to Ann Jastrab, Executive Director of Center for Photographic Art, and Laura Sackett, Creative Director and Co-Founder of LensCulture, for selecting “Down the Street - California #01, 2018” for the 2020 CPA Members Juried Exhibition Online Gallery.

Opening night at Arabi Visual Arts, New Orleans LA with 12 images on exhibition from “Where the Heart Is”.